Friday, December 3, 2010

Donation Cards: Part Two

DonationCardsSo for those of you that are interested in doing donation cards for this year’s 3-Day, I wanted to provided you the final fruit of my labor.

In my earlier post, I showed what I thought to be a classy card that clearly depicted the essentials for my fundraising effort.  When I showed the card to Lora, she liked it, however, said that it really should be pink.  I was trying to create a more masculine looking card, then realized that she was absolutely right.  The card needs to jump out and quickly remind someone why they have received this card, so back to the drawing board I went and what you see here is the final result.  Please feel free to use any portion of this for your personal use, as the end-goal is the same; to raise more money for breast cancer.

For those of you interested in creating such cards, I found an excellent deal ($10 was the grand total with shipping) for VistaPrint and I’m unsure to when it expires.

URL to Deal:

  • 500 premium cards
  • Free unlimited logo/photo uploads
  • 195 full color backside options
  • Upgrade to Glossy or Matte paper stock free
  • $10 includes shipping and handling


  1. They are far from cheap, but I use Moo cards. I put a different 3-Day picture on each one, and it gives me a great talking point to share. You know what? The first year I walked, I raised $4400. Every year since has been $10K+. For some reason, that infectious spirit takes over during the walk and really does make it easier to raise the funds!

  2. How do I do this? I'm so new to this. I don't even know how to do my blog. Would someone please email me some more details? Many thanks.
