Prior to walking in 2010, I wasn’t exactly sure what it meant to be a 3-Day Man. Sure, I knew I would be walking 60 miles in 3 days, camping in a pink tent, and taking showers in the back of semis, however, I was still a bit oblivious to what it would actually look like on game day. As a male 3-Day walker who wants more men to come join, lets unveil exactly what it means to be a man during this grand event.
First and foremost, you must get over any embarrassment you have by wearing pink. Granted, you don’t have to wear pink, but you’ll be surrounded by 2,800 other (at least in the Dallas/Fort Worth adventure) bubbly, energetic women all wearing hot pink outfits and you’d probably feel a bit out of place wearing anything else. So drop your pride and call it Salmon if it makes you feel better. Just remember why you are walking, it is not to make a fashion statement, but to honor and love those that have come before us, are here with us now, and those that are yet to be diagnosed.
Second, you will be part of the minority. Expect a lot of extra attention because of this fact. If you are a wallflower, this walk will provide you with all of the extra attention you’ve ever wanted. Enjoy the attention as you pass countless number of people in the cheering stations, thanking you for walking. However, as mentioned earlier, be humble and remember the real reasons you are on the walk.
Third, it is ok to cry. If you don’t tear up walking past these cheering stations, than I don’t know what to say. Granted, I have no problem showing my emotions, however, when you walk through these crowds and you see little kids holding signs letting you know that their Mommy is their hero, my heart just swells up. Don’t be ashamed to show your emotions on the walk…share your experience and reasons for walking with your fellow walkers and listen to theirs. It is an opportunity of a lifetime!
Finally, just enjoy the experience. Yes, you WILL be called on stage to dance as a man. Yes, you WILL make a fool of yourself, unless you are part of the 1% of men that can dance to fast music (I am not a part of that select crowd). Yes, you WILL end up on someone’s Facebook page. But you know what? In the end, it is all about spreading the word and getting more people involved in helping to find a cure for breast cancer.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I am a 2011 Susan G. Komen for the Cure Ambassador and am here to help you along your journey. Let me know how I can help you!
You can help support my 2011 walk with a tax-free donation.